

Monday, 11 April 2011

93rd entry....April wild flower

Jigsaw series - Primrose in April 2011
The primrose - one of my favourite wild flowers as it holds some very special memories for me...
When the first primrose starts to bloom, in March, they herald the arrival of Spring and warmer days to come!
Primulais two Latin words meaning 'first rose'
The primrose produces two kinds of flowers.  The pollen is transferred from one to the other but few insects are around when they bloom, so are often not pollinated! - in 'The Winter's Tale' Shakespeare wrote of  the "pale primrose that die unmarried"
Flowers of the primrose, in the middle ages, were also employed in the preparation of love potions!

So there you have my flower painting and choice for the month of April.  There are many others, all  fill our world with a joy unheralded...what a beautiful feeling to walk or drive down our local country lane and see the beauty of an English hedgerow, with the abundance of wild flowers...there is no better tonic!!!!

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About Me

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Art has always been an integral part of my life. At the age of 50 I was able to complete a long awaited foundation course and HNC/HND. From this experience I have developed my love of pastel and watercolour. Rubens has always inspired me with his fluidity of movement; Degas and Lautrec I admire with their rough marks and blends of colour,their freshness of approach. I feel I have been given a talent for a reason and gradually the purpose shall unfold... sarah.orchard54@hotmail.co.uk Note: Images are Copyright Sarah Orchard © 2009