

Thursday, 20 January 2011

68th entry...

and life goes on...was intending to do some acrylic painting with old 'blobs' that I had left....how ever alas alack too hard! So I did an artistic supper instead while watching 'The Pianist' - all about the Jews and how horrendously they were treated in the war by the Nazis! Everybody should see it - it keeps us awake to what happened...puts our lives into perspective! What awful times...am reading a factual book on the D-Day landing in 1944.  It's called 'MONTY'S IRONSIDES'-  from the Normandy beaches to Bremen with the 3rd Division.
Fabulously interesting book...

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About Me

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Art has always been an integral part of my life. At the age of 50 I was able to complete a long awaited foundation course and HNC/HND. From this experience I have developed my love of pastel and watercolour. Rubens has always inspired me with his fluidity of movement; Degas and Lautrec I admire with their rough marks and blends of colour,their freshness of approach. I feel I have been given a talent for a reason and gradually the purpose shall unfold... sarah.orchard54@hotmail.co.uk Note: Images are Copyright Sarah Orchard © 2009