

Sunday, 4 June 2017

224 entry

My third book (joint with a friend) is out... money is for Romsey Riverwalk Restoration Project.

Second book.
This is a children's book in rhyme about a lonely pony in The New Forest... a lovely little story!

This was my first book. 
A circuit walk around my village. I have sold over 200....

You will find them all for sale at Rum's Eg Romsey.

My fourth book is to be The New Forest... watch this space!

My latest work.
Someone had a birthday and so as per usual I relate it to our life at the moment.
Thirty-seven Meets, birthday, Christmas, wedding anniversary, valentine cards. One day I shall put his and hers into a book for a keepsake. They are very special...so this birthday was 62!

An evening walk,  with our neighbours, to hear the nightjar on the Forest.
Absolutely fabulous. We saw them as well and except for the midgies it was lovely to do. We have lived here twenty-seven years and never experienced it before. Sad but good to have now gone!
Next the woodpeckers....

'Three Girls go Walking' went on a trip to Jekka's Herb Farm and had a magic time. Below are the few little 'moments in time' travel sketches I produced.
I absolutely adored doing the botanical ones. Is my 'Headspace' ...so relaxing!

Do visit Jekka's Herb Farm.
It is only open on certain days so look at their website!
So....back when I have more to add!

About Me

My photo
Art has always been an integral part of my life. At the age of 50 I was able to complete a long awaited foundation course and HNC/HND. From this experience I have developed my love of pastel and watercolour. Rubens has always inspired me with his fluidity of movement; Degas and Lautrec I admire with their rough marks and blends of colour,their freshness of approach. I feel I have been given a talent for a reason and gradually the purpose shall unfold... sarah.orchard54@hotmail.co.uk Note: Images are Copyright Sarah Orchard © 2009