

Sunday, 5 December 2010

40th entry...da! daaa!

So off to Morrisons we did trot...ten o'clock on the dot...arriving to do the weekly shop...bought every thing except the mop...spent a fortune as we do...back home to the internet to view!
These are what I went and did...
St Ives - Harbour
(inspired by Moira Ross - Sculptor)

plus this one but keep it 'under lid'!!!!...as it is but a small surprise...for one of very many guys...who, special in the heart of one...was reasons for it being done...!
Girlie and 'boy'
The day is ended, curtains closed...let's get to bed a'for I'm frozed!!!!

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About Me

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Art has always been an integral part of my life. At the age of 50 I was able to complete a long awaited foundation course and HNC/HND. From this experience I have developed my love of pastel and watercolour. Rubens has always inspired me with his fluidity of movement; Degas and Lautrec I admire with their rough marks and blends of colour,their freshness of approach. I feel I have been given a talent for a reason and gradually the purpose shall unfold... sarah.orchard54@hotmail.co.uk Note: Images are Copyright Sarah Orchard © 2009