

Friday, 30 December 2011

161st entry...Welcome back to you all!

Back in action and here is the acrylic that I painted for my son...
Matthew's Durham - 2011

I enjoy the people and the fact that my use of watercolour has come into play with the people! Marks that make a whole...

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

160th entry...

Christmas is looming
My head in a twirl...
So much to achieve
For my boys and my girl!
Art work not posted
For all to see
Until the recipient
Exclaims with glee...
So next year when settled
And the world is on 'go'
Shall I show the results
Then I happily will show...

Have a splendid few days
Share, love and be kind
Until then my viewers
I shall keep you in mind!

Merry Christmas...

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

159th entry...apologies!

I am working on various things as I have completed my exhibition pieces...the problem is that I am unable to show them until they have been passed on to the relevant person./people...

Diamond Wedding Anniversary...60 years together! 2011
This is a card that ,I painted in watercolour and pen, for a very special couple...I used the internet for the diamond image, and their invitation card for the figures! The result is pleasing for artist and others...
The Orchard Christmas card design 2011 is completed and awaits printing! 
How windy it has been today...made me think of 'Winnie  the Pooh' as we were walking on the Forest this afternoon!

Friday, 25 November 2011

158th entry....completed acrylics...

one more to come...
Lilly 1 - 2011

Lilly 2 - 2011
These are the finished acrylic paintings for the Sarum College Exhibition - only one though!
One more to try but later - need to stop now!

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

157th entry...Today we had a frost..

had to scrape my wind screen!

This could be for the next exhibition...'A Flawed Pearl'

A vase full of Lillies - 2011
 Sarum College Salisbury after Christmas.
It is painted in Acrylics for a change and I have enjoy using a different medium........... however watercolours - I feel - are far more exciting and challenging !!!
I am working on a second painting that is nearly completed - just need the light to improve, which means tomorrow!

Sunday, 20 November 2011

156th entry...

I have to share with you - the love of my art room...I now have electricity IN the room; so I sit here tapping on my laptop with a little desk light on the table - it is so fantastic!!!!
My 'Christmas is coming'...one of my Christmas designs is doing well on comments on a different site...so refreshing! One person said how it made her feel all festive! That's the spirit.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

155th entry

I have just put my "Christmas Edition " of Jigsaw Designs in my slide show on my home page website...click on the link and have a look!!!
Jigsaw Design - A Graduation...2011
this is a card I did in watercolour and pen for my girlie's boyfriend. It was the second attempt as the first was very 'tight'...and therefore lost its freshness! I am pleased with the result as I have done a couple that have not been acceptable to me - drawing more, is most certainly the key...

Monday, 14 November 2011

154th entry...

A long time since I have written my diary...but here we are and the first two of my Christmas Edition 2011 are included!
Christmas Editions (1) - 2011

Christmas Editions - 2011
I have made these local to my area ...it gives it a more personal feel!
Gentle watercolours with a pen over the top...

Friday, 4 November 2011

153rd entry...

It is raining so hard here....even the water butts are full..
I have completed my final stage of my Jigsaw Design

Jigsaw Design - Final stage 2011
Am I happy with it?
I feel that it is quite dark, and I have worked hard on it losing the fresh lose approach that I can achieve....but it does have a misty aura about it and a feeling about it.  I have got the atmosphere that I was looking for, so I am happy with that!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

152nd entry...rainy, rainy evening!

I continue with  the next development of my watercolour.

2nd wash - 2011
I have put a darker wash on, and pulled colour out. This is to give the foreground more strength and the painting more depth...and I have captured the misty effect that comes in the early mornings !...
I need to add a little darker to the horizon; emphasising the mist more...but all in all 'good effort girl' as Dad would say!
Next will be the final marks with a brush - and then charcoal...I hope that I haven't made it too dark for that, that is my only worry - but lessons are being learnt!

Monday, 31 October 2011

151st entry...

A blustery day here in the Forest...
I am doing a watercolour in developmental stages - never before have I been so interested in experimenting; five years at college, of which I loved, but I was never SO fascinated in anything as I am in the movement and layering of watercolours. So here are the photo that I used and the first wash!
Photo used - 2011

first wash - 2011
Started by spraying the paper, then adding different dry watercolours...finally, with a bit of finger and brushwork, a spray of water again...
I shall try and do a bit more tomorrow!

Thursday, 27 October 2011

150th entry...

Sorry I have been so remiss in my diary....life has been topsy turvy this week...
Autumn Leaves - 2008
  I have added this acrylic and pastel, be it a few years old, just to give people a taste of Autumn....I did it at college.  The purpose of the exercise  for me was to see how much movement I could get from a part of nature...I have always loved the movement that the animal kingdom gives us, and thought that autumn leaves would be an interesting challenge! I think that I have achieved...but I still love to draw people...

Saturday, 22 October 2011

149th entry....A beautiful sunny day here in Hampshire!

An enjoyable watercolour sketch of Autumn leaves...they are generally so beautiful at this time of year! 

Jigsaw Design - Autumn Leaves 2011
I have updated my website....
so please do go and cast your eye over it! An opinion on the slideshow would be extremely helpful!

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

148th entry...

Have collected my paintings and cards from the Salisbury Art Trail...Didn't sell any watercolours ( one of them has been reserved though) but lots of cards - so that's good!
Onwards to designing local Christmas card - a series of 6 -  Have decided to focus very close to home and hope that the locals of here will buy them!

The humble Christmas Robin - 2010
Our survey shows that the humble Robin has a big part to play in our Christmas cards....

Monday, 17 October 2011

147th entry...

Hello everyone...apologies for not writing my diary as I was doing the Salisbury Art Trail...
Anyhow...A commission...
Commission - Barney 2011
Photo of - minus tongue...
Am very pleased with the outcome of this commission above; have achieved a good likeness!
My next venture is to sort out a series of local Christmas card designs ...

Sunday, 9 October 2011

146th entry....

So - AGAIN....- lost ALL my pictures on my laptop, which are backed up, up to this last weeks work!!!!!
I now have to spend HOURS sorting it all out ..............
Am going to buy a hard drive...and back up EVERY NIGHT!!!!!!
What a Jonah of a day!

Friday, 7 October 2011

145th entry...

Very busy person - VENUE 32 Private Viewing tonight...Off to have a very early supper!
Onwards and upwards!

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

144th entry...

A bit of advertising for my lovely next door neighbours....

Are you looking for a book on the New Forest, a speaker for your group, or searching for your New Forest ancestors? 
Authors, local historians, speakers, researchers and conservationists Georgina Babey and Peter Roberts offer a range of services to meet your needs. 

Sitting in my art room about to start a commission ...however below are two men shopping at the market together.
Jigsaw Design - Salisbury Market 2 -  2011
This is the last painting that I have submitted to the art trail....

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

143rd entry....

We have our private viewing on Friday...have hung the artwork at VENUE 32..
This was an extra 'people' one.
Jigsaw Design - People in the market square...2011
I am getting the hang of my distance/tonal depth....My endless quest in the research into watercolours is paying off!
I have mellowed the jigsaw effect by being more aware of were I place the charcoal rather than adding it 'all over'...Am using the watercolours with much more understanding, and being in control is lovely!
'Whisper + SHOUT' all the way!

Saturday, 1 October 2011

142nd entry....Your opinion is helpful to me!

More artwork for the Salisbury Art Trail...
Jigsaw Design - New Forest Deer 2011

Jigsaw Design - New Forest Pony 2011 
I am pleased with these as I have achieved an atmospheric effect that I can get in pastels but up to now not in watercolours...What do you think...

Friday, 30 September 2011

141st entry....gosh! What a lovely day - wierd!!!

I am adding a couple more for the Salisbury Art Trail....Both framed 12"x12"
Jigsaw Design - Deer in the Forest - 2011

Jigsaw Design - Salisbury Cathedral from afar...2011
I apologise for the photo being slightly dark...in reality they both hold a better presence!

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

140th entry....what a beautiful day people!

The weather wasn't quite as beautiful yesterday, but good enough to sit out in the Forest with the girls sketching.  This was my watercolour with charcoal ...and I have got the depth to the painting for once, so am quite pleased when all the research reading I am doing works! Mmmm! this is good!

Jigsaw Design - En Plein Air...2011
Onwards and upwards..............gosh how I love my watercolours!

Monday, 26 September 2011

139th entry....Well done my beautiful daughter...........

My girlie collected her degree certificate for her BSc  Paramedic Practitioner

Plymouth University  - BSc Paramedic Practitioner 2011
How proud are we..... awsome!

Jigsaw Design - The Hoe with a BSc...2011
This is the card I did for her ..........as a 'moment in time'

Now - I am working towards the Salisbury Art Trail...

Venue 32 Unit 7, Loyal Trade Business Park Stephenson Road Salisbury SP2 7NS 

do come and visit...
Jigsaw Design - Salisbury Cathedral from afar  2011

Thursday, 22 September 2011

138th entry.....Autumn creeps ever closer!

This is a larger framed watercolour and charcoal for the Salisbury Art Trail.. It is 12"x12"
Jigsaw Design - Autumn walk in the New Forest 2011
This is a walker in Autumn;  the heather is out and the whole area has a beautiful lilac hue to it! We are so lucky to live where we do...
A nice impression of life in the Forest.

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

137th entry....

This is another 'small edition' for the Salisbury Art Trail....and is of Stonehenge.

Jigsaw Design - Stonehenge 2011
An impressionistic view of it....wet on wet watercolours with a pen topping!!!
Quite dark, with an essence of an evening sun setting. I need to shift on and finish some more...have completed another 12"x12".

Monday, 19 September 2011

136th entry...Monday morning!

Next to work on - exhibition wise - is the Salisbury Art Trail, where artists put their work on display at different venues!
I am in the process of doing four 12" x 12" framed watercolours and a few framed small ones.4" x 6".

Jigsaw Design - Salisbury Cathedral 2 2011
This is one of the latter, and is of Salisbury Cathedral. Am pleased with it for its fluid effect and good palette!

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

135th entry....

This is a thank you watercolour for my brother and sister in law....for the music CD for my birthday...

'Flowers for my lovely sister-in-law and brother!' 2011
This, for me, is lovely and fresh with an impressionistic style! I have achieved with a quick wet-on-wet, no preliminary sketching...few hues... using warm and cold - red/blue/yellow ....plus green!

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

134th entry...a blustery day!

Purlieu New Forest 2011

Heather in the Autumn 2011
We went on a 'sketch' en plein air.........in the Forest!  What a lovely time!
These sketch watercolours were achieved sitting on the ground with my paints nestled in the heather! They are straight painting - no initial pencil sketching....I love that freedom that you get with just paint on paper then the pen or charcoal on the top.  I feel so much freer ....

Friday, 9 September 2011

133rd entry....

It was my sister-in-law's birthday the other day and so I did this watercolour and charcoal for them....
They have always been so very supportive with my artwork, and so I admit that I was not  sure if they would enjoy my 'Jigsaw Design' as they have loved my more traditional work and in pastel!

My brother and sister-in-law 2011
It was therefore with absolute delight - and slight relief as their opinion means a lot to me - that they said how delighted and how much they both loved it!  I am pleased with it as the first one I did was a trial to do and so to go second time around, and be happy with the outcome was a good experience!

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

132nd entry...

A better day weather wise here...
Sarum Artist's - Summer Exhibition 2011

This was a sketch while I did my steward duty at our exhibition in the library. My paintings of 'Music of the Spheres' are displayed in a glass cabinet...all beautifully hung!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

131st entry....What a rainy, blustery day today has been!

These are the studies that I did in Jersey.  I have put them all on one day as I feel it was so long ago, I would stretch it out putting one on every day!

Phillipa sunbathing - 2011

The arbour in the garden - 2011

Steps down to the pool - 2011

Post card home - 2011

Seagulls - 2011

Cow parsley - 2011

Cow parsley 2 - 2011
So...I love the one of the arbour...the colours are mine and the paint flows!
People seem to enjoy the first one - which shows the bay in St Hellier. I find it slightly too fussy - I need to reduce down my 'jigsaw' marks! Seagulls were really quickly achieved - while they flew by actually....
and the cow parsley ...I love it at the side of the road with the blue sky behind...every year I promise to paint it and so achieved this year...however ...I feel there is a lot of room for improvement!!! The stalks are too think, and I need to capture more of a mood and not put so many mark in it!
I achieve more work each year - so for that I am very pleased...
Am enjoying very much using watercolours straight, without a preliminary pencil sketch...it is so liberating!!!!

Saturday, 3 September 2011

130th entry....

So to the final day of our Jersey holiday watercolour diary...
This a sketch of our suitcases on the bed with clothes and all the bits...
...packing for our homeward flight...2011
A lovely log to remind me of our fabulous holiday in Jersey; staying first with the brother for a week, and then the sister.  Thank you all for a fabulous time! I have enjoyed doing my watercolour sketch book diary, not only for the fact that it is a completed memory - so often things are started and never finished - but also as it has been done from memory which is something I tend to shy away from.  It shows me that I take in more than I thought!
Would I do it again? Most certainly; this reinforces the pleasure gained for me!!!!

Friday, 2 September 2011

129th entry.....yesterday was my birthday...

and I spent it with part of my family - my girlie and her man were working - having a fabulous day! I received art goodies; a new watercolour pan holder, an art book and a holder for my 'work to do'...SO exciting!
Here is the second to last watercolour diary sketch for you!...

...in their Aston Martin...2011

Apologies to my in laws for the incorrect spelling...
This is an odd sketch but it tells a story for me.  A quick watercolour  - all these are done from memory -
Mmmmm! this I like!

Wednesday, 31 August 2011

128th entry....

Our last walk and the sun shone brightly so loads of photos taken, for my art, of people...
If you visit Jersey this beach is along the west side of the Island.  It is, for me, the most magical beach ...long soft sand and full of shells and pebbles which I love!
Walking along St Ouen's Bay Jersey...2011
A clearer scan of the sketch....and a good impression of a warm sunny day on a beach. I am getting better at my tones with the shadows on the people linking with the sand and a more distinct foreground. I enjoy this one!

Friday, 26 August 2011

127th entry....

Today I shall mostly be painting....as I tend to sit on this laptop from morning 'til night...however before I switch tables let me give you the day we visited Egypt on the North coast of Jersey, and wasn't it beautiful!
Egypt on the north coast of Jersey - 2011
I like this sketch a lot.  It is my typical colours palette, and has worked quite well with my jigsaw design with the view of the coast very apparent!
Now on to my watercolours.....

Thursday, 25 August 2011

126th entry.......nearly finished my watercolour holiday....

Simple but says a lot....I know it is me and I know that it is him....with a bit of impressionistic background!

...even after thirty-one years...2011
Thank you to those that looked at my revamped website.  I  look at it and am still pleased with the changes - it portrays my artwork today and my lovely pastels I have slotted in for tasters...I seem to have more hits now as well - which is nice!

Wednesday, 24 August 2011

125th entry......

Day 9 of my watercolour holiday diary, and a walk along the north side of the Jersey coast.  It really is stunningly beautiful, especially with the sun out!

Jardin D'Olivet - A walk along the north coast - 2011
This is a little more interesting with figures in the sketch giving it more movement! People tend to be my forte...

Monday, 22 August 2011

124th entry....

This day of my holiday diary was a quiet reading day for me...think that the weather wasn't as good as it had been!
Reading day...2011
So I sat and read...which is a delight to do!
A sketch of me in a chair, with book in hand...the pose give a good impression of peace and solitude!

Saturday, 20 August 2011


I have wanted to change my website and make it focus on my work to date for AGES...but it is finding the time and knowing how to do it but now here it is - so please have a look and an opinion would be good!
and also here is the next day of my watercolour holiday diary.
Swimming in the pool...2011

This was a relaxing, jolly hot day so we stayed by the pool and read  - I also did my art.  I did swim as well but that will not happen again for a while....although it was quite pleasurable!
A quick sketch of him and her one painting and one swimming. A lovely little reminder for me!

Don't forget to visit my website see if you think it is a better advert for rmy artwork!
Thank you!

About Me

My photo
Art has always been an integral part of my life. At the age of 50 I was able to complete a long awaited foundation course and HNC/HND. From this experience I have developed my love of pastel and watercolour. Rubens has always inspired me with his fluidity of movement; Degas and Lautrec I admire with their rough marks and blends of colour,their freshness of approach. I feel I have been given a talent for a reason and gradually the purpose shall unfold... sarah.orchard54@hotmail.co.uk Note: Images are Copyright Sarah Orchard © 2009